THE PLAN Review & Cost: Automate Your Crypto Investment Strategy With Bots & Expert Training by Dan Hollings

Marie Danes
5 min readDec 1, 2021

Trading cryptocurrency can be a lucrative endeavor. But before you dive in head first, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. There are a number of factors that affect the price of cryptocurrencies, and they change often.

The value of a currency can go up or down quickly, so knowing how to trade is paramount. That’s where Dan Hollings comes in.

Photo by Executium on Unsplash

In his new Crypto Trading Course — The Plan, he shows you how to plan your trades, set up automated bots for grid trading analysis, and much more!

In just an hour or two each day, you could be on your way to becoming a crypto trading expert!

The Rise Of Crypto Bots: Why You Should Use One For Your Investment Strategy

A few years ago, the idea of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) was just a sci-fi fantasy. Today, AI is everywhere and it’s only going to get smarter. The world of automatic trading is nothing new for Wall Street traders and hedge funds but in the past year we’ve seen an explosion in interest from retail investors. With the help of bots and expert training by Dan Hollings, you too can automate your crypto investment today.

So instead of being up all night watching charts, you can just set your bot up once and let them do the work for you!

Dan Hollings will walk you through everything from picking coins to learning how to identify patterns, setting up your bots and making money.

Through Dan Hollings’ expert training, you can learn how to use bots and avoid the common pitfalls that people new to crypto fall into.

It’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest training available for crypto trading opportunities so you can learn from the best.

Why You Should Invest in Bots in Crypto?

Bots are a great way to invest in crypto. They can help you make the most of your investment time by automating trading and taking your emotions out of the equation. The best part about bots is that they don’t require much attention or time on your part, so you can focus on other things like building your business.

Crypto bots are also convenient because they’re easy to use and have a low barrier to entry. If you don’t feel confident enough to trade without a bot, then bots can help you out with all of that hard work.

The AI-powered tools available today give traders the chance to manage their own portfolios and watch market changes from anywhere in the world. So if you want to get started with crypto, automated trading is definitely worth looking into!

The Benefits of Automated Trading

The benefits of automated trading are many. With Dan Hollings’ The Plan, you can automate your crypto investing today without having to take the time to learn how to trade.

By automating your trading, it becomes much more efficient and effective. Automated trading systems can make between 10–20 trades per minute which means they can make up to 1,000 trades in an hour!

By automating your trading, it becomes much more efficient and effective. Automated trading systems can make between 10–20 trades per minute which means they can make up to 1,000 trades in an hour!

Besides, automation gives you control over your investments. With the help of bots, you don’t have to worry about timing or market conditions with your investments because the bot does it for you. (Thank you!)

The fourth benefit is that it’s safe and secure because bots are purely automated scripts that follow prewritten rules and indicators.

The Drawbacks of Automated Trading

There are many benefits to automated trading — increased profitability, less resources needed for research, more time for other tasks. But there are also some risks. The biggest is the risk of losing money due to market volatility. When you use bots to trade, the computer does most of the work and you can be left in a very dangerous position… unless you have some expert training and know how to respond to those market changes.

People still like the human touch in their investments and want a high degree of control over what happens with their money.

Bots are great for setting up and monitoring your portfolio but they’re not as good at making decisions on whether or not to buy or sell your holdings when things get chaotic out there.

With the right technology and training behind your back, The Plan users have confidence in their decision-making process when it comes to crypto investing.

Why You Should Buy Dan Hollings’ Crypto Trading Course The Plan

The course is an online course that teaches users how to trade effectively with cryptocurrency using advanced skills taught by Dan Hollings.

In the case of crypto trading, bots offer automated strategies that can be customized by a user.

You can take one bot and make it your own by tweaking settings in an advanced bot trading platform or you can buy one ready-made crypto trading bot from Dan Hollings Crypto Trading Course.

Dan has been on the crypto trading scene for over a decade so there is no shortage of knowledge in this course which covers all aspects of crypto trading such as market cycles and technical analysis, grid trading methods as well as comprehensive risk management techniques.


The market has taken on a life of its own, with coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum skyrocketing in value. It is now possible to buy currency like Bitcoin without having to go through currency exchanges or brokers. This means that anyone can have access to investing, regardless of their status as an investor or not.

Yet, investing in cryptocurrencies can be a huge risk if you don’t know what you are doing. With Dan Hollings’ program The Plan and the help of bots and , however, it can be an easy, profitable process. You can sign up for a free workshop to learn more about this new revolutionary technology and Dan’s offer at

